So, you want to download unrestricted software onto your Apple device but are prevented from doing this by the Apple system. The answer is jailbreaking. Jailbreaking removes any restrictions on software that Apple has placed and allows you to download and install applications other than those found on the Apple App Store.
For jailbroken IOS devices, Cydia is a useful tool. Created by Jay Freeman, Cydia is a package management system that allows software to be downloaded and installed on jailbroken devices without going through the Apple App Store. It is more than an alternative to the App Store, though. With Cydia you can not only add a variety of applications, you can change the whole look of your phone.
Default repositories or community sources are incorporated into Cydia when it is installed onto an iOS device. Like the Apple Store, the software on Cydia is offered both free and paid. By using a source manager, you can add repositories to Cydia.
This article will show you how to install Cydia on your iPhone, Ipad, or IPad Touch whether you are new to Cydia or need to reinstall it after you have deleted it. You will need to use your Safari browser to download Cydia.
Yalu Jailbreak
I will cover a number of ways to install cydia. The easiest way to install Cydia from scratch is through Yalu Jailbreak. It is available for iOs 10 through iOS 10.2.
Yalu Jailbreak was developed by Luca Todesco. It is available only in beta at this point, thus, it may be buggy. If there are any difficulties with the download, you will need to restore your device before starting over. Also, you will need to use Cydia Impactor. This requires a valid Apple ID. Finally, every time you reboot, you will need to reinstall.
Step 1: Download the appropriate version of Cydia
Step 2: Download and install Cydia impactor.
Step 3: Download and install Yalu Jailbreak
Step 4. Open Yalu Jailbreak.
Step 5. Click on “go.”
Step 6. Restart your device and Cydia will automatically launch.
How to Install Cydia Manually If you Have Previously Deleted Cydia
Before attempting these methods first download the proper Cydia ipa. Once you have completed the download, choose one of the following four methods.
Method 1: Use iFile to Install Cydia on iPhone or iPad
iFile is similar to the Finder app from your desktop. It allows you to manage and customize your files.
Insure you have iFile installed. Open Safari and search for “cydia.” At Cydia, use the search tool to find the appropriate version. Open iFile and use it to install Cydia. Finally, reboot the device.
Method 2: Use OpenSSH to Install Cydia on iPhone of Ipad
To use this method, experience with SSH is important so that you understand the various jailbreak methodologies and SSH terminology. If you have this basis, it is a simple method. Install OpenSSH onto your device. Also, you will need to install APT 0.6 or APT 0.7. You can find the Mac version at Cyberduck or the Windows version at Putty.
As an alternative, you can use Terminal to install Cydia. Open Terminal and enter “apt-get” to install Cydia. Press Enter. Enter su mobile – c uicache. Press Enter. Reboot your device. Cydia is now available.
Method 3: Installing Cydia with Redsn0w
Redsn0w is another jailbreaking tool. If you own an Apple A4 generation device which are devices including iPhone4 and prior iterations, use Redsn0w to install Cydia. Go to and you can download the latest iOS version. Once you open it, click on jailbreak. Insure you only have the box to install Cydia checked.
Method 4: Jailbreak Device Anew
This is basically, re-jailbreaking your device to reinstall Cydia. You will need to restore your device first. Initiate jailbreaking sequence and Cydia will reinstall. Before you do this, check which version of iOS you have. Apparently, iOS 10.2 is incapable of being jailbroken so you will not be able to jailbreak if you restore to it.
With the advent of iOS 11, different versions of Cydia will be required. You will need to download the newer versions. Yalu recently released a new jailbreak – Electra – for the newer iOS.Cydia also has an iOS 11 version. Cydia has a mobile page that makes finding the downloads quite easy. The newest version of Cydia, 1.1.29, and will filter files more quickly making downloads quicker.